
“If you can educate enough people in a compelling way, then people will come together.”

– Dennis McKenna


Conceived by visionary Ethnopharmacologist Dr. Dennis McKenna in 2018, the McKenna Academy of Natural Philosophy explores modern and traditional practices, ideas, and technologies that foster the understanding of nature, consciousness, the cosmos, and their interweavings with humanity.

The Academy’s mission is to be a catalyst for the transformation of global consciousness through educational experiences that interweave our collective intelligence, science, and ancestral wisdom. (text from McKenna.Academy)


“My new venture, the McKenna Academy for Natural Philosophy, is a way to create a forum where we can hopefully attract the most brilliant minds to confront and talk about the issues of today and not just talk about, but come up with solutions. It is a template in the tradition of the mystery schools. What is the mystery? The mystery is everything, is the cosmos, is trying to understand our place in nature.” – Dennis McKenna

(learn more here)


The Academy has five key departments: Therapeutics, Education, Research & Development, Retreats, and Media. To learn more about each unit, go to the webpage. There you are also able to donate and keep up-to-date with their events.


Below, Funga has added a video of Hamilton Morris (big fan) interviewing Dennis McKenna: